Introduction to Energy Management Systems:
This course introduces the principles of EnMS and their relevance to achieving an efficient and sustainable energy system. Topics covered include energy sources, standards, risk management and energy efficient systems. ISO 50001 Scope and Requirements:
Delegates will examine the specific requirements of ISO 50001. Additionally, the course will provide an understanding of the energy management process, as well as the importance of energy efficient practices. Documentation Requirements and the importance of documentation in the energy management process. Topics covered will also include preparation, storage and communication and business Impacts of an EnMS.
The tird-party certification process will also be discussed and will include an overview of the various accreditation schemes, how to choose the right certification body and the cost of certification.
This course provides individuals and organisations with a thorough understanding of ISO 50001 and the implementation of EnMS. By attending this course, individuals and organisations can stay informed and up to date on the latest in Energy Management Systems. This will allow organisations to remain competitive on a global scale and acheive the following
(up to 10 delegates)