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ISO 22001: 2005 Food Safety Management System

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The International Standard for Food Safety Management

The consequences of unsafe food can be serious, especially when supply chains span national and international borders. Having a robust food safety management system in place is critical to the success of any business in the food industry.

ISO 22001: 2005 sets out the requirements for a food safety management system. It maps out what your business needs to do to demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards in order to ensure that food is safe. It can be used by any organisation, regardless of its size or position in the food chain.

ISO 22001: 2005 Revision

ISO 22001: 2015 is under revision, with a draft version available for purchase from early 2017. The final updated version is expected in late 2018.

What are the main changes to the standard?

The major proposed changes to the standard include modifications to its structure as well as clarifying key concepts such as:

  • The high level structure: in order to make it easier to integrate ISO 22001 with other ISO standards, the new version will follow the same high level structure.
  • The risk approach: the standard now includes a different approach to understanding risk.
  • The PDCA cycle: the standard clarifies the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, by having two separate cycles in the standard working together: one covering the management system and the other, covering the principles of HACCP.
  • The operation process: a clear description is given of the differences between key terms such as: Critical Control Points (CCPs), Operational Prerequisite Programmes (OPRPs) and Prerequisite Programmes (PRPs).

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